Clarity rhymes with parody (well, sort of)

Have you ever watched a cat freak out for no apparent reason? Kitty is just sitting peacefully, then all of a sudden, it's like a fire cracker went off under him and he jumps up, hauling ass to no where in particular? That's what I've been like this week. I like a little stress in my life-keeps things live and interesting. But, I'm painfully aware of my erratic behavior too. It's like watching a train wreck in slow-mo. Blame it on hormones, work, or whatever.
I have a lot of things in the works. Just booked my trip to Europe, a conference in Monterey, a job interview in Seattle...plan, planning, plans. Anyway, maybe it's all the future potential excitement that's tweaking me out. Or, maybe it's that inherited psychosis I knew would emerge at some point. You say potato...
It's all about communication. I think miscommunication is so rampant. And, you get into a pattern of dealing with certain people in a certain way. The problem is that you also tend to pre-analyze what that other person is thinking, feeling, etc., based on your own preconceived bias. In my brain, this makes sense, but you may not know what the hell I'm talking about. Point hard as it may listen fully to what is being said. Don't formulate an opinion until you are crystal clear. Ask questions and don't over analyze. Trust that it will save you time, reduce confusion and emotional exhaustion.
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