Thursday, September 01, 2005

From the ashes the Phoenix rises?

They say things need to get worse before they get better. Or something along those lines. Not to jinx myself, but things are pretty shitty right now. It's amazing. Sometimes I feel like I have a bullseye target on me that the Universe likes to use for spitting practice.

The later half of August has been less than great, leaving me in the wake of potential job/financial crisis, three computer crashes (including my brand new laptop and work) and heartbreak.
Sahweet! (oh, do you sense the sarcasm in that one?) At least the stress has made me focus all my energy into working out and not eating, the upshot losing a few pounds. Now, if I could only lose my emotional baggage too, my spirit would be light as a feather.

I like to believe everything that happens, both good and bad, are lessons to be learned. I am learning more about myself as a person and the things I want in life. I've decided a little adventure is in order. So, the plus side of my job dilemma would be that I would sublet and get the hell out of dodge. I'm still working on what I get from the other hardships. If anything, I am a stronger person as a result. Today is the first day of September. A day for new beginnings? The lesson lies in that everyday should be viewed as a new beginning. None of the "I'll start Monday" "In the new year maybe" "On the first of the month" bullshit. Embrace everyday and be sure to observe, feel, think something new each time. Hell, reading my blog is enlightening enough, right?


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