Game on!
So,thanks to my nepotistic (is that even a word?) connections, I scored prime-o seats (in the VIP suite mind you!) to the Sharks game. Now, I am a bit more of an "against the glass cuz I wanna smell and see the blood" kinda gal, but really can't complain. There was a friggin lounge and free water, and VIP parking, which unlike Candelstick, was actually in close proximity to the stadium! Before I get into the experience, let me just first relay a unique sighting on the ride down to San Jose where the stadium is. As my friend and I were driving, I look to my right and see a little yellow car (some kind of Toyota or Honda type of compact) with a life size wind-up key rotating on the back.

My laughter was drowned out by the radio blasting "goodybumps" or whatever the hell that new song is called by the Blackeyed Peas. Very surreal.
Anyway, back to the game. I think of sporting events as my excuse to eat like a Titan. We set up camp in the lounge and after chatting with our respective suite mates, visited the concierge for a map of food stations (oh, and they serve REAL alcohol as well). I went with a bento box (sushi at a stadium? risky-yes, I know), while my friend got a polish dog and we split a box of popcorn shrimp and fries. My gut still has not forgiven me for that outrage and even though we were already doubled over in pain, figured "when in Rome" and got a chocolate dip cone and a chocolate-chip cookies ice cream sandwich. Despite his cast-iron stomach, he was hurting too.
So, the Sharks were shamed (our goalie should be bitch-slapped) after a decent start by the Canucks, who weren't even that good themselves. Canada scored two goals in the 3rd period and it was over. What happened?! The Sharks made a name for themselves...what...four years ago with such a strong start, then never recovered. I didn't have high hopes, but expected at least more than one fight as consolation. Come on boys-get with the program!

Anyway-a goodtime was had for sure. One day, I will be plastered against the glass in NY cheering on the Rangers, amongst the bone-crunching, testosterone pumping blood of the hot, denture wearing players. One can dream....
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