Kiss My Thistle

Our final layover at the Hotel Thistle by London/Heathrow airport really didn't live up to the splendor of the rest of the trip, but made up for it in laughs. Been growing weary of buddy's apparent night terrors, we observe our twin beds getting closer and closer at every accommodation.
Nearly falling through the grand canyon of a toilet, I did manage to scrub in the shower, knee-deep in cold water as the smell of burning plastic radiated throughout our room. Starving after our flight, we ate a shitty dinner of nachos, chicken liver, wine (surprised? How else do you think we ate liver?) and salty soup for the us equivalent of $100 at the hotel restaurant, we curled up in the cold of the room and watched a special about obscene tourettes syndrome.
The flight home was delayed a bit, but all in all, went smoothly.

Neither of us came home in a bodybag. The trip was great and I look forward to the next adventure. Maybe a vacation from vacation is in order...something involving a hammock, fruit laden beverage and warm waters.
A couple more random pics (Ahh-yes, the Museum of Chocolate-this little rinky-dink museum was a must!)

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