Day 4: V is for Victory
Today, I walked to the Louvre. Never get sick of walking along the Seine, although it was raining, sunny and windy all at the same time. About half way there, my foot decided to crap out. The pain was so bad I realized that the tears pooling in my eyes were not from the blustery wind blasting against my face. I passed the golden warrior tipped posts every day. The photo doesn't do them justice.

The Louvre is a monster. You see it coming up and it's almost eerie how large and detailed the buildings are in Paris. It reminded me of dreams I used to have as a child. The line wasn't bad at all and I began my venture into the depths of the building, wishing I had a piece of leather to bite down on, or better yet pain killers to ease my throbbing foot. Ahh, the joys of age! That's right...30 biyatches!
There are three main sections. My interest of course revolving around the classical pieces like the Wings of Victory, and ancient Greek art. Oh yeah, I hoofed it over to see the Mona Lisa and Aphrodite of Melos (aka-Venus Demilo. I'm of the Greek scholar camp).
I recognized the charm and challenges that using a historic building as a museum entails. While the floors were rickety and warped, the sun beamed through windows on the ancient pieces, and I felt torn. Do you sacrifice the security of the object to house it within what can be constituted an artwork in itself, or preserve the object in totality, but de-personalize or contextualize the experience with a modern, vacuous space? Man, did I just take a pain killer? Nah, it's the reflective museum geek emerging. We have a similar challenge with the Old Mint, so despite my best efforts to avoid thoughts of work, the comparisons surfaced anyway.
Jump to the evening, I ate myself into sugar euphoria to kill the pain. Oh yeah.
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