Zzzzzz, huh-oh yeah...a post

Good god. What the hell was I thinking. I stayed up on Friday night until 4:30am (technically Sat am), slept till 11am, then got up. I then stayed up till 5:30am on Saturday night (technically Sunday am), slept until about 10am, got then got up. Let me say this. I am tired. I now break into a cold sweat when I start to hear the birds chirping at the morning sunrise. I admit, I did snatch a nap or two, but nothing to write home about. I dragged my ass around the Haight Street Fair on Sunday, got sunburned (yeah, yeah...see "lessons learned post").
I think I've taken my own advice a little too far (see post about living life to the fullest). Now I'm fucked for the day. I just juiced myself with my second huge cup of "awake" tea and four splenda. That makes a total of eight splenda for the day. I know..it's gross. I read splenda is good because it's made from sugar. I also read that it causes addictive symptoms like irritability, stomach problems, headaches, withdrawl. I say giddyup. Everything is good for you, but really bad for you right? Or is it the other way around?
Anyway, my roommate just moved out after his one year deal. I have my place back and for the first time, it's really officially all mine. No junk stored by my family. No visitors. Mine. Sure I'm tired and maybe a little poisoned from my splenda intake. But happy. Sweet dreams!
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