DAY 7: Blasphemous! Who me?
After the race to shower before the heat blew out in "the cave," we headed out for our near final day in Rome. I figured Monday would be an ideal day to tour the Vatican, which proved to be a huge mistake. The line stretched along the walls of Vatican City for the equivalent of four blocks. Did I really want to spend my final day in a line like at Disney Land? Unless I could ride some religious version of The Monks of the Carribean (yes, I know the treasures it holds are unmatchable), I said fuck it. I threw my coin in the Trevi-knowing I'd return one day. So, we opted for St. Peter's Cathedral. I didn't have time to reserve a tour of the secret underground Scavi, but figured we had a full day with the line there. While not as bad, it still sucked to wait for so long, especially in the icy wind chunnel caused by the semi-outdoor walled area. We wound up in line for the dome (you had to wait and pay to take the lift up-nothing is free in Europe. NOTHING) flanked by amourous couples converging in a tongue crusade.

The inside of the dome was restored-all the mosaic shimmered with colored glass. Nothing had dislodged from the wall, so no "take home" from this historic icon. We went back on to the roof and wound up going inside another chamber area. We started our ascent up an inclined path, which was becoming more and more narrow. Curious, we kept going up, not able to turn back because there were people behind us. Then...the stairs started. Up...and up...and up-jesus christ! Our hearts were thudding as the path got more narrow and started to curve, causing an optical illusion. Finally, we saw a spiral staircase which we started to climb...and climb...and climb. Sacred or not, I heard cursing in every language as the poor schmucks in front and behind us burned their quads climbing the stairs. Finally, after something like 300 stairs, we emerged onto a terrace on the very top and outside of the dome. The panoramic view of Rome was INCREDIBLE! Pidgeons parted like in a John Woo flick as my obscenities rung out across Rome, having raised my camera to take a photo realizing I was indeed out of fucking film.
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