Monday, March 07, 2005

End of days

So, I've been avoiding writing this one for a few days. This birthday was tough, although not as bad as 25. Holy shit...this is the final year of my twenties! I was waiting for my hair to go white like that scene in Evil Dead II where Ash sees the ultimate evil in physical form. I guess a bigger fear is that I will start to look like that ultimate evil thing as I start to age. So far, my youthful genes have held-up, but that comes with its own set of problems (see The pros and cons of "youth" blog).

I've fully embraced being a spoiled brat on my birthday. If life has to get sucky as you age, well then I'm entitled to a little demanding, selfish, and/or self entitling behavior damn it! I actually think I deserve to act this way for the rest of the year before entering into "real adulthood." I guess it's my last year before society makes me start wanting babies and a husband? (My friends know me better). Not to go on a tangent (what else is a blog good for?), but I've been getting that one for years. The fact that my overall goal in life has never been to embrace the lifetime rules of unnatural monogamy, breed and exchange religious/legal vows enforced by a society, well...but I digress.

Life is amazing. I'm enjoying the ride so far and inspired to experience the future. Happy birthday to me!