Thursday, October 20, 2005

Liar Liar

Now, let me intro this by saying, this post is not necessarily the result of a recent occurrence per say (although I'm also not saying it isn't), but just a personal ideology that I'd like to reiterate. Don't know if I've ever discussed this in past posts, but I hate liars. Or should I say, being lied to.

In my opinion, being honest is the best way to go in the long run. I'm not necessarily advocating "tough love" or the type of brutal honesty that would hurt someone's feelings. Just being honest with oneself and others. That's not too hard is it? Uhh, yeeaahhh...Sure, little white lies or exaggerations are part of our social existence. But all too often, people lie for what they believe is for the sake of the other, when in fact it's only to make themselves feel better. "Huh" you say? I think you get it. On the flip-side, many people don't want to hear the truth, but they are lying to themselves in the long-run, which is even worse.

I think basically people know when people are lying to them. I've always prided myself of being pretty confident in knowing when I'm being lied to. What angers me is not the truth, as tough as it can be to hear, but the audacity of the other stating the lie. I'm always amazed that despite being as open as possible (seriously, I don't have many secrets) and telling others that no matter what, they can be honest-because I may not agree, but will respect them more in the long run-all too often, they just can't do it. Honestly, I may be on a pedestal, but I do know what's best for society. Umm, ok-maybe that's stretching the truth a bit.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A time of peace

I love the fall. I think Autumn is my favorite season, not just for the weather but the food-giddyup! But back to my point. There's something about the air and light that is so peaceful. I had a few odd habits growing up. I used to sit on my covered porch when it would rain and read with some tea. It was the only way I could turn off my brain and just be. My favorite times of the day are right when the sun rises (which I always miss due to the sandman dosing me in the wee hours of the am) and right when the sun starts to set in the eve. If it's a cool and clear day, the air has a crisp and fresh smell, the light is soft but bright, and there are a few seconds when there is no urban noise and all you can hear are the leaves lightly rustling. I really try to focus during these few minutes-as the dim orange light shimmers through the leaves of a tree-looking at the details that we never notice from day-to-day. Fall is a magical time for a reason. The wiccans had it right.

Monday, October 03, 2005


They say blood is thicker than water. On a compound basis...well, no shit. But in the philosophical sense, I'm not sure I agree. Cry me a fucking river. I just found out that I'm an aunt. Yep, I have two half brothers, and apparently one just became a dad at the ripe old age of 27 (or maybe 28?). He almost became a dad at 16, but lucked out with a false alarm. Maybe sex ed isn't taught in much detail up there in the skirts of WA. Someone should learn to keep his stallion in the corral if you know what I mean. Hell, I don't even know what I mean.

Anyway, it makes me sad sometimes that I have these two brothers that I never bonded with and that I met for the first time when I was 16. I liked the youngest, who was about the age of 11. He talked with such enthusiasm about bugs and firecrackers, and boyish pranks. The slightly older one was already in puberty-asshole mode at 15. Believe me, I tried to relate and stay in touch after my dad and I stopped talking (now, there's some unconscious emotional baggage for ya!), but to be honest, I just never liked him much. His ego has no bounds (hey-this is my fucking blog so I'm entitled to be egocentric mind you) and talks endlessly about how knowledgeable and brilliant he is about life, politics, world affairs, or pretty much anything. But guess what? He's a bum. He barely works, had a semi-junkie girlfriend for a while, never attained anything professionally or academically, and only thinks to contact family when he wants something. I don't judge people if they haven't finished school or don't have a high paying job. Some of the most intelligent and talented people I know never got a degree or made more than $20k in a year. But, they have ambition for something. Weather they have creative talent or are just eager to live and experience life, I hold that in higher regard than someone who blows hot air out of their ass.
I have a cousin who got by in life on his looks, but is pretty much a disgusting excuse for a human being. Yet, certain family members continue to support him and protect him even when he cheats other family members, lies, steals or whatever drama. Sure people make mistakes and I get the whole family loyalty thing, but I've had friends in life who constituted what the real meaning of "family" should be as opposed to someone I just share some DNA make-up with. People can change. I really hope this new life inspires my brother to better his.

This blog is full of cliche's, but look closely. Behind every cliche lies a lesson, and you are never too old to learn.