Liar Liar

Now, let me intro this by saying, this post is not necessarily the result of a recent occurrence per say (although I'm also not saying it isn't), but just a personal ideology that I'd like to reiterate. Don't know if I've ever discussed this in past posts, but I hate liars. Or should I say, being lied to.
In my opinion, being honest is the best way to go in the long run. I'm not necessarily advocating "tough love" or the type of brutal honesty that would hurt someone's feelings. Just being honest with oneself and others. That's not too hard is it? Uhh, yeeaahhh...Sure, little white lies or exaggerations are part of our social existence. But all too often, people lie for what they believe is for the sake of the other, when in fact it's only to make themselves feel better. "Huh" you say? I think you get it. On the flip-side, many people don't want to hear the truth, but they are lying to themselves in the long-run, which is even worse.
I think basically people know when people are lying to them. I've always prided myself of being pretty confident in knowing when I'm being lied to. What angers me is not the truth, as tough as it can be to hear, but the audacity of the other stating the lie. I'm always amazed that despite being as open as possible (seriously, I don't have many secrets) and telling others that no matter what, they can be honest-because I may not agree, but will respect them more in the long run-all too often, they just can't do it. Honestly, I may be on a pedestal, but I do know what's best for society. Umm, ok-maybe that's stretching the truth a bit.