Exciting times! (well, for me anyway)
Damn blogger! This site deleted my first draft, and all its witticisms. So the following is an attempt at rehash what I originally wrote about.
So, I thought I'd start detailing the travel process and plans for my excursion to Europe. After a frustrating attempt to secure the best airfare deal, I scheduled departure just after my big-ol' 30th b-day, a date on which I expect all my readers to come out and alter their consciousness with me!I figured as a gift to myself (although, I justify a lot of these) I would stay at a swank hotel my first night on my own. I booked the http://www.rivesdenotredame.com/ which I got for a pretty good deal. It's centrally located in the heart of the Latin Quarter/Notre Dame district. I'm racking my brain to remember any of the French I was fluent in as a child so that I don’t make too much of an Americanized ass out of myself while traveling.
About a week into the trip, we'll make the excursion to Rome where I can revel in my partial Italian roots. We'll be staying at an apartment somewhere in the Navona square and Campo dè Fiori district, or potentially the Spanish Steps area, which hopefully won't be as noisy and obnoxious as the more touristy areas. I look forward to having my ass grabbed by hot Italian men.

On the subject of assgrabbery, quick side story: My aunt went to Italy a few years ago at the age of 62. She hadn't been since she was young and reminisced (fondly) about how the men ogled, etc. Worried that they wouldn't find (in her words) "an old fucking broad" all that appealing anymore, she walked up to an attractive young man and asked him to grab her ass. Turns out he was an American tourist there with his lady and well...not feeling all that adventurous. But I digress. After about 4 days, we return to Paris to "decompress" for the flight home mid-month.
Originally, I'd planned to visit Greece because my friend is studying there on scholarship, but turns out she won't be anywhere central during the time I could go and also with her new love, so I didn't want to impose. I'll save the Greece trip for another time, when I can give it my full attention and combine it with a trip to Turkey. Even though I saw most of the art studied during my undergrad at the British Museum a few years ago, Greece and Istanbul are two of my top places to visit, aside from Australia, Japan and Madagascar.
I'll be posting any adventures and experiences in between my usual psychotic ramblings on the blog. You can bypass that if you prefer the ramblings.