Where's my airborne bitch?!
I had to leave the BC stuff up for a while. I'm still coming down from my "nerd-high" having met the king of awesome one liners.
It was gay pride weekend, which is always done with plenty of fevor in San Francisco. I decided to take a walk to a bar in the Mission, passing through the Castro District on the way. I couldn't help by snap my fingers to the blaring beat of Donna Summers pumping out of a huge party buss with gay.com and a greased up shirtless hunk on the side. The passengers were parked outside of the Metro bar, drinking, semi-nude, some wearing cowboy hats. Looked like a giddyupping good time. Nothing like a "transportation party" (see ring-a-ding ding post) to kick off the weekend.
I'm going to Boise in a few days. I'm a little nervous because it's definitely not what comes to mind when I think "city" and I can't help but wonder what'd the locals in Idaho would think of images described above. Would they embrace it? Accept it even? If not, it's too damn bad because those boys can party. I have to remember not everyone grew up with an open-minded, liberal upbringing as most of my friends and I did. I pity people who are so close-minded that they protest equal rights for any and everyone. How does it fucking affect them who is allowed to get a marriage license? Maybe a possible solution is to give those troublemakers a slice of ecstasy iced wedding cake and let the good times roll...