Just returned from another mini vacation. If you've read past posts (and I know you have. Repeatedly. Because I am that damn entertaining!), you'd know that my last few attempts at taking vacations haven't been all that successful. My body seems to think that any change in environment provides license to get all fucked up, either by getting sick, the flu-or some weird ailment. For this instance, it was a last minute (literally the day I was leaving) lymphatic infection in my jaw that proceeded to my gums. Sah-weet!
So, I doped up on antibiotics, vicodine and ambisol and hit the town of Boise, Idaho. It was pretty hot, but a dry heat, which was tolerable. The hottie I was shacking up with just got there himself and so we didn't have any running water in the house until the next day. Nothing like manually flushing pee laced with antibiotics. Sah-weet! (Ok-I'm done with that term-I swear).
Boise is a quiet town (with the exception of
Independence Day were locals come out in droves to blow shit up in parking lots and smoke out the tourists. I mean, there wasn't much in the way of bookstores and the library had an exclamation point at the end of the title. Literally (sorry for the pun) it was...
LIBRARY! Take one part hick, two part outdoor enthusiast, a pinch of white trash and a dash of polite and you got the makings of an Idahoian. Actually, people were pretty cool, if not a little slow. We hit a bar that looked seedy and promising. The bar tendress served up some whisky and an attitude as we played pool and listened to the karaoke renderings of a bunch of country songs I'd never heard before. I perked up and sang along to Sir-Mix-A-Lot's
Baby Got Back, gave a good post song hoot and pool queue stomp having felt that the singer didn't get the props she deserved for her rendition.
I went camping. Yes. Me. Camping. You can take the girl out of the city, but not the city out of the girl. But, it was beautiful. We scored an amazing site on the way up to the Sawtooth mountains. I think I did damn well considering that the last (and only) time I've camped was at the populated Russian River when I was 8 years old. I got sun poisoning and barfed hotdogs for two days. This time was definitely better as was the company. Frankly, I love nature. I just hate insects. Oh, and pissing in the woods is never fun for girls. Regardless, I know know more of what to expect so that next time, I'll be totally prepared (like a good lil boyscout). I thrive on new experiences and hope to have many more.
It's a little bittersweet to be back to the attitude, dysfunction and bustle of civilization. But now I can look forward to the next adventure in travels.