Friday, January 21, 2005

The pros and cons of "youth"

You would think that looking young is a big ol' plus. As I start to clock 30, I feel a nice twinge of satisfaction whenever I get carded (which is just about always), or get called "Miss" (I did actually get called Ma'am once. The namesayer now rots in hell). Yes, I dress "young" most of the time, but even if I sport the business suit and lame sweater set with khakis (ok I never where those), people still view me as fairly young. In the business and dating world, however, this can be a disadvantage. I have to fight damn hard to earn respect from the good ol' boys I work with and am currnently faced with trying to advance my position to overloard of our organization, but because I look "young," I may get passed up. At a recent event, when told my title, an old lady said "but you look like a little girl!" Uhh, gee-thanks I guess...What do you say to that? How about "I may look young, but I feel about as old as you" (read With age comes Pain blog). Also, on the dating front, most guys who hit on me can barley shave. I was on a real streak there for a while with the 20 year-olds. There nothing hotter than a guy saying "wow, you're like real smart and shit." Ohh baby...

Once again, American society has screwed us with a double standard. Everything is youth, money, and respect. But they don't always go hand-in-hand.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Lyrics and junk

I had a previous post about getting old. They say you start to lose your hearing when you age. I have this thing where I swear I know the lyrics of a song, a catch phrase, old saying or slang-but I soooo get it wrong! I idiotically will sing along passionately to a popular song, when a friend finally brings it to my attention that I have the most of the lyrics wrong. Not that my version doesn't work, but it it's quite a bit lamer than the original version. I mean-"crunked up"? "crumped up"? They sound a lot alike, no? It's actually quite embarrassing. It's like your parent trying to say jiggy or something (although everyone should be embarrassed using that term). I mean, I can't even spell check this shit. I just hope people find it mildly amusing, somewhat endearing. And in exchange, I'll try not to make too much of an ass of myself. God forbid I wind up on an episode of Motormouth.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Halloween 2004 at the Old Mint

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

With age comes pain, or vice versa?

Geeze, my foot hurts like a mother! All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the ball of my right foot and big toe feels like I broke it. I did break my ankle going gymnastics about two years ago and they say the cold makes things ache. I ache all the time. I once asked a friend if they always had something random hurting but just didn't voice it. I always have something hurting, and tend to bitch about it. Is this what getting old is like? Can I look forward to more creaks and cracks and whines in my future as I clime the scale of age? Or, are the consistent aches and pains causing me to age quicker? I guess it's a chicken and the egg thing. I always felt that the chicken came first. It had to have morphed from some other life form to be able to lay eggs, right? I mean an egg didn't just appear out of nowhere. Evolutionary theory demonstrates that.

Anyway, maybe I can get my vicodine renewed...

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Fighting yuppiedome

I refuse to admit it. I don't drive a BMW or Scion. I pay rent. I don't shop at Ann Taylor. So why do I feel I am riding the edge of becoming a yuppie? I hate myself for buying at Starbucks (they have the only tea I like) and walking around talking on my cell phone (I don't make calls when out at restaurants with others though-but I judge those who do).

When my conveniences are challenged, I'm close to a melt down. Like some 30 something parent letting their kid scream at the top of their lungs or getting dirty looks from owners when I push their dog away as it licks and paws my new skirt. I am a native city girl, eat lunch at Whole Foods, shop at Trader Joes, recycle, and live in the Haight, all things that I thought used to give me that "urban edge," separating me from the yuppie masses of SF. But I am finding that what was once considered "alterna-culture" is what defines a yuppie here in SF. Maybe I am mislabeling yuppiedome with adulthood? Maybe yuppie isn't the term to use anymore? What should I call it? I mean we have to lable everything to have an identity right? I missed out on my identity. I just missed Generation X and am too old for Y. You can't survive in America without a label, and I refuse to admit I am an adult.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year's Reflection

Ahh, the new year. I find as I get older, time goes by so much faster. Which can be good if life is dull, bad when you start to feel damn old.

Having New Years "Resolutions" isn't politically correct anymore. Kind of like saying "Happy Holidays" versus "Merry Christmas, " which of course makes sense since not everyone is Christian/Catholic-whatever. I actually saw a show on the news about people who want to bring back "Merry Christmas" and were protesting stores like Macy's for saying "Happy Holidays" instead. I think shit disturbers like those have way to much free time on their hands. But, I digress...

It doesn't seem appropriate to say "Resoultions" anymore because it is believed that they will automatically be broken. The new catch phrase for New Years is "Goals" or something along those lines. Whatever. It still gives me a false sense of order and control over my life to belive that the new year wipes the slate clean and I can make positive changes. I can delude myself into thinking that I will spend less money, lose weight, work hard and party less...but then what would I aspire to have as goals for next year?